Hagenmeyer, H. (1913). Fulcheri Carnotensis Historia Hierosolymitana (1095-1127). Germany: C. Winter. - critical edition in Latin -
open access at archive.org
Hagenmeyer, H. (1913). Fulcheri Carnotensis Historia Hierosolymitana (1095-1127). Germany: C. Winter. - critical edition in Latin -
open access at Google Play
Peters, E. ed. (2011). The First Crusade: "The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres" and Other Source Materials.
Ukraine: University of Pennsylvania Press, Incorporated.
Peters, E. ed. (2011). The First Crusade: "The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres" and Other Source Materials.
Ukraine: University of Pennsylvania Press, Incorporated. at JSTOR
Ryan, F. trans. (1969) Fulcher of Chartres, A History of the
Expedition to Jerusalem (Historia Hierosolymitana),
Knoxville: University of Tenessee Press. - can be borrowed with a free account from archive.org
Wallon, H. and Reigner, A. ed.s (1866) Historia Hierosolymitana. Gesta francorum Iherusalem peregrinantium, ab anno Domini MXCV usque ad annum MCXXVII,
auctore domino Fulcherio carnotensi. (1866), RHC-Occ., III, Paris 1866, pp.319-485
Fulch. Gest. Franc.: Fulcher of Chartres, Gesta Francorum
Iherusalem Peregrinantium, RHC H.Occ. vol. 3, Paris,
Fulch. Hist. Hier.: Fulcher of Chartres, A History of the
Expedition to Jerusalem (Historia Hierosolymitana),
trans. F. Ryan, Knoxville: University of Tenessee Press,
Casta, S. (2017). Natural Disasters and the Crusades: Framing Earthquakes in
Historical Narratives, 1095-1170. History. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,
University of Waterloo. Master of Arts.
Giry, A. (1894). Manuel de diplomatique
, (Paris Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1894) Olms. - open access at Bnf Gallica - examines the
Golden Number system of chronology that
Ryan (1969:219 n.1) says Fulcher
employed - see Chapter III page 148