Bethmann, L.C. (ed.) (1844) Anselm of Gembloux, Continuatio
, Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores VI, Hannover, pp.375-85.
- open access from Monumenta Germaniae historica Scriptores digital home page -
bookmarked to the start of Anselmi Gemblacensis Continuatio -
Guidoboni and Comastri (2005)
list this as their reference
Sigeb.: Sigbert of Gembloux, Chronicle,and Sigebertus
continuatus (Anselm of Gembloux), PL 160, Paris,
1880; Sigebertus Gemblacensis, Incipit chronica
Domini Sigeberti Gemblacensi monachi,PL vol. 160,
1854; (cont.) Chronicon,MGHS,Hist.Rerum
German., vol. 6, ed. L. Delisle. -
Ambraseys' (2009) reference
Index scriptorum novus Mediae Latinitatis: Ab anno DCCC usque ad annum MCC (Copenhagen, 1973), p. 27.
Bethmann, L.C. (ed.) (1844) Sigebert of Gembloux, Chronographia , Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores VI, Hannover, pp.268-374. - Guidoboni and Comastri (2005) list this as their reference
Alexandre, P. (1990), Les sĀ“eismes en Europe occidentale de 394 `a 1259, Brussels: Observatoire Royale de Belgique.
- open access
Kath, P. (1914) Sigeberti Continuatio Aquicintina
, Bulletin de la Commission royale d'Histoire, 83, pp. 1-222 - probably not relevant - open access at persee