Chronicle of Sembat Sources
Der Nersessian (1959::143) notes that
Chronicle of Sembat is
one of the principal Armenian sources for the
history of the Crusades
Der Nersessian (1959:143)
reports that
the section of it which extends from the year
951 to 1162 follows mainly the History of Matthew of Edessa and of his
continuator Gregory the Priest, occasionally including information derived
from other sources
. For events of the 13th century, it is
particularly important
it was written by a man [Sempad] who had direct access to the official documents and who, moreover, played a major role
in many of the events he related
Der Nersessian, 1959:143).
Der Nersessian (1959::143) adds
an anonymous writer continued the Chronicle down to the year 1331
Wikipedia reports that Sembat
worked from older Armenian,
Syriac, Christian, and possibly Byzantine sources, as well as from his own observations