Andrea Dandolo References Open this page in a new tab

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Dandolo wrote two chronicles in Latin on the history of Venice, the Chronica per extensum descripta aa. [ad annum] 46–1280 d.C. [dopo Cristo], written between 1344 and 1351/52, and the Chronica brevis aa. 46–1342 d.C., written before 1342, which can both be found in volume XII of Muratori’s collection Rerum Italicarum Scriptores.5

5 Originally published in Milan in 1728, a new edition, edited by Ester Pastorello, was published in Bologna in 1938.

References listed by Ambraseys (2009)

Dandolo, Danduli Chronicon Venetum, Muratori RIS, vol. 12.29.

Dandolo, P. (1687), ‘Ekthesis peri tis poliorkias ton Athinon ypo tou Morozini’, in Katalonipon Lamprou, vol.16, no. 159 in NH for 1922.