57 Ed. C. de Boor, Theophanis Chronographia, v. 1 (Leipzig, 1883); recently translated with commentary by C. Mango and R. Scott,
The Chronicle of Theophanes the Confessor: Byzantine and Near Eastern History, AD 284-813 (Oxford, 1997).
58 Ed. C. de Boor, Nicephori Archiepiscopi Constantinopolitani Opuscula Historica, 2 vols. (Leipzig, 1880).
It is also edited in the version of I. Bekker, Sancti Nicephori Patriarchae Constantinopolitani Breviarum Rerum post Mauricium gestarum
(Bonn, 1837; repr. Ann Arbor, 1988). This covers the seventh and eighth centuries from the death of Emperor Maurice.
Nicephorus, Patriarch of Constantinople (806-815), was a continuator of Theophylact Simocatta.
59 George Synkellos' Chronicle covers the history of the world from creation up to the rule of Diocletian.
It is edited by C. de Boor, Georgii monachi chronicon, 2 vols. (Leipzig, 1904; 2nd ed. with corrections by P. Wirth, Stuttgart, 1978).
60 De Boor, v. 2 (Leipzig, 1885).
61 De Boor, v. 2, pp. 401-435. Mango and Scott, op. cit., pp. xcvi f. draw our attention to the existence of two
late ninth-century manuscripts of Theophanes, one of which was wrongly dated to the late tenth century by de Boor,
and the other not used by him at all. These also offer an inferior text to that consulted by Anastasius.
62 De Boor, v. 2, pp. 413-415.