News of '46'

Ambraseys (2009) describes
News of '46'
as a 16th century Spanish Manuscript which
Beinert (1955) says was discovered in
the National library in Madrid. Although
Beinert (1955) says that the name of the author is not
contained within the manuscript, he surmises from clues in the text that the writer was a
Spanish clerk living in Palestine or a pilgrim from Spain
The manuscript itself is a copy.
Beinert (1955) suggests that the earlier original document
(i.e., the autograph) appears to have been written soon after the earthquake struck while
Ambraseys (2009) reports that
Braslavy-Braslavsky, J. (1955) and
Shalem (1955) assume that
News of '46'
no more
than a somewhat careless translation of the German or French version
of the Letter written by an Anonymous Venetian and reproduced in flysheets in Europe.