Mekhitar d’Airavanq Chronicle Open this page in a new tab

Mekhitar of Ayrivank (1230/35 – 1297/1300) was an Armenian monk who composed a brief chronicle at the medieval monastery of Geghard.
Brosset (1869)'s characterization of Mekhitar d’Airavanq chronicle

I will therefore face Mekhithar as a chronograph and not be successively in review the three parts of which his book is composed: the work of the six days, which, naturally, will stop me little; historical times, from Adam to the Christian era; finally the history from J.C., until the time when his compilation ends, in 1289. To concentrate in 69 pages the chronology of 6487 years is not, strictly speaking, to write a story, but only to present series of personages and facts, which, if the latter are well chosen, simply form a framework