Ibn Wasil Open this page in a new tab

Ibn Wasil (1208-1298 CE) was a historian and a qadi (Shari'a judge) (Gamal el-Din el-Shayyal in Encyclopedia of Islam v. 3, 1991:967). He was born and died in Hama but lived or traveled to Damascus, Jerusalem, Aleppo, Sicily, al-Khusraw-shahi, Baghdad, and Cairo at various points in his life (Gamal el-Din el-Shayyal in Encyclopedia of Islam v. 3, 1991:967). He wrote poetry and books on logic, philosophical theology, astronomy, medicine, and history (wikipedia). Gamal el-Din el-Shayyal in Encyclopedia of Islam v. 3 (1991:967) produced the following summary of his three historical works
  1. al-Ta'rikh al-Salihi, a general history from the Prophet to 637/1240 (MS: British Museum, 6657)
  2. Nazm al-durar fi 'l-hawadith wa 'l-siyar (MS: Chester Beatty 5264)
  3. Mufarridi al-kurub fi akhbar Bani Ayyub - reaching to the year 661/1263, this is the most valuable source for the history of the Ayyubids. The full text, which can be reconstituted from the four incomplete manuscripts, is in process of publication by Djamal al-Din al-Shayyal, the three volumes published (Cairo 1954, 1957, 1961) reaching to the death of al-'Adil I.
The Dissipater of Anxieties on the Reports of the Ayyubids (Mufarridi al-kurub fi akhbar Bani Ayyub) contains a description of the 1170 earthquakes.