Ibn Muyassir Open this page in a new tab

Ibn Muyassir was an Egyptian historian who lived from 1231 to 1278 CE (C. Cahen in Encyclopedia of Islam v. 3, 1991:894). All that survives of his book Annals of Egypt is an incomplete copy made by al-Maqrizi. This copy contains events from 1047 - 1158 CE (439 to 553 A.H.) and extracts from years 973-976 CE and 991-997 CE (C. Cahen in Encyclopedia of Islam v. 3, 1991:894). Although there is a lacuna from 502-514 A.H., because al-Nuwairi borrowed from Ibn Muyassir, the lacuna from 502-514 is filled in (C. Cahen in Encyclopedia of Islam v. 3, 1991:894).