Benedetto Accolti the Elder
Encyclopædia Britannica (1911),
produced the following about
Benedetto Accolti the Elder:
Benedetto Accolti (1415–1464), also known as Benedict Aretini Accolti,
was an Italian historian who wrote De Bello a Christianis contra Barbaros gesto pro Christi Sepulchro et Judaea recuperandis libri IV
(On the War carried on by the Christians against the Barbarians, for the Recovery of Christ's Sepulchre, and of Judea), a history of the First
Crusade that is regarded as Crusader propaganda. Published in 1464, the sources are uncertain.
(RHC Oc., Volume 5.XI,
Runc. Vol I, p. 344)[49]
Black (1985:225) indicates that
Accolti's History of the First Crusade was
likely completed sometime between November 1463 and 1 August 1464
. This work
was published in 1895 in
Recueil Des Historiens Des Croisades Historiens occidentaux, Volume 5, XI under the Title Historia Gotefridi which is how it is
referred to by
Guidoboni and Comastri (2005)
Ambraseys (2009).