Fulcher of Chartres
Parsed from
Ryan (1969:3-24)
Fulcher of Chartres
, born in 1058 or 1059 CE, came from the area of
in the
department of Eure-et-Loire
in France and appears to have been a priest or had some type of clerical status. In 1097 CE, during the
First Crusade
, he became a chaplain to
Baldwin I
, a French nobleman who served as the
Lord of Edessa
from 1098 to 1100 CE and then as the first
Crusader King of Jerusalem
from 1100-1118 CE. Fulcher served as Baldwin I's chaplain until at least 1111 CE and was a resident of Jerusalem from the end of 1100 until at least 1127 CE. He was the author of a three part Latin Chronicle variously titled
Historia Hierosolymitana ("History of Jerusalem") or Gesta Francorum Iherusalem peregrinantium ("A history of the expedition to Jerusalem")
. This text covered events of the
First Crusade
and its aftermath continuing until 1127 CE
when it abruptly ends
. Fulcher appears to have written his Chronicle in Jerusalem between ~1100 and 1127 CE.