L’Estoire de Jerusalem et Antioche
French of Outremer website from Fordham University
describes L’Estoire de Jerusalem et Antioche as follows:
The editors at the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, who included Li Estoire de Jerusalem et d'Antioche in the fifth volume of their
Recueil believed it to be a heavily abbreviated vernacular version of the crusade chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres dating to the second half of the
thirteenth century. To Fulcher's basic narrative, the Estoire adds many details and stories that seem ultimately to reflect a memory of the expedition
that differed from the well-known written traditions. Just as the text's editors complained at their inability to localize the dialect of French
in which our surviving text of the Estoire was written, it is likewise difficult to identify a single community among those whose tradition and memories
were recorded within it.