Explanation of Terminology
- The sign + after the year indicates that the earthquake may have occurred in
that or the following year, as the source gives the year according to the Moslem
(Hejira) era, without specification of month or day.
- Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is used, rather than local time as in the previous
catalogue,' in order to avoid the problem created by the difference between winter
time (GMT + 2 hours) and summer time (GMT + 3 hours), introduced in Palestine
in 1940. At present, the United Time Coordinated (UTC) is in worldwide use in
technical literature
- Following the system used in the first catalogue (see n. 1), references consist of
an abbreviation (see n. 2) or footnote number, with the page number(s) following
a colon (e.g. 18:65 refers to n. 18, p. 65). The general sources of each event
are given in the 'References' column, while sources referring to specific details
appear within parentheses in the 'Details' column
- Reports on felt earthquakes since 1940, for which no specific source is quoted,
are based on records published by the local press. MMS intensities have been
assigned by Amiran. In a few cases, reports by local residents have been noted.
Appendix 1 - Distant Earthquakes
Appendix 2 - Doubtful Earthquakes
Appendix 4 - MMI to Magnitude Correlation
Appendix 5 - Tsunamis on the Mediterranean Coast
Appendix 6 - Seiches in the Dead Sea and Sea of Galilee
Abbreviations, Bibliography, and Footnotes