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1712 CE Quake

05:00 6 June 1712 CE

by Jefferson Williams

Introduction & Summary

Textual Evidence

Text (with hotlink) Original Language Biographical Info Religion Date of Composition Location Composed Notes
Text (with hotlink) Original Language Biographical Info Religion Date of Composition Location Composed Notes

Archeoseismic Evidence

Tsunamogenic Evidence

Paleoseismic Evidence

Location (with hotlink) Status Intensity Notes
Dead Sea - Seismite Types n/a n/a n/a
Dead Sea - En Gedi possible 8.2 - 9.0 Migowski et. al. (2004) dated a 12 cm. thick Type 4 seismite at a depth of 27 cm. (0.27 m) to 1712 CE.
Location (with hotlink) Status Intensity Notes
Dead Sea - Seismite Types

Dead Sea - En Gedi

Migowski et. al. (2004) dated a 12 cm. thick Type 4 seismite at a depth of 27 cm. (0.27 m) to 1712 CE.


Amiran et al. (1994)

1712 AD, June 16, 05:00

Jerusalem: MMS VI, The earthquake shook the solid houses and ruined three Turkish houses. Felt in Ramle, but not in Jaffa.

Reference: M. Eneman: Resa i Orientem (ed. K.U. Nylander), Stockholm, 1889. Quoted by M. Lewy: From Render to Jerusalem, Karolinska Forbundeis Arsbok, 1991, pp. 18-42, ref. pp. 36-37. Eneman experienced a second earthquake at Sidon on 5 and 6 October 1712. The earthquake was so strong that the whole house shook for almost an hour.'


Amiran, D. H. K., Arieh, E. and Turcotte, T. (1994). "Earthquakes in Israel and adjacent areas: macroseismic observations since 100 B.C.E." Israel Exploration Journal 44: 260-305.

Belferman et al (2022)


Belferman, M., et al. (2018). "Effect of large-scale surface water level fluctuations on earthquake recurrence interval under strike-slip faulting." Tectonophysics 744: 390-402.

Paleoclimate - Droughts

