Deformation Type (Kag11) is shown in Figure 2 and described in
Table 1of Kagan et al (2011). They are briefly defined as :
A - Intraclast Breccia (aka Mixed Layers)
B - Microbreccia ("homogenite" to the naked eye)
C - Liquefied Sand
D - Folded laminae
E - Fault (mm. to cm. scale throw)
Q - Questionable as a seismite
Columns titled 1 sigma Kag11 and 2 sigma Kag11 are model ages of seismites extrapolated from deposition model - see section 5 of Kagan et al (2011) for details
Column titled Historic Quake Kag11 and fit are fit of historical earthquake dates within 1 sigma or 2 sigma calibrated age ranges of seismites. Although model ages are tabulated here with 1 year precision for
convenience, event fit considers the realistic precision of 10 years - see section 5.1 of Kagan et al (2011) for details
Column titled Alternate Quakes Kag11 are all other possible events within the 2 sigma age probability range of the designated earthquake. Events within 1 sigma range are bolded.
Lithosections (Eventually these move to the correct outcrops)