Figure 5. Trench log of the southern wall. The full resolution photomosaic of the wall is available in Fig. S1. The different stratigraphic units are indicated by letters A to H located in the synthetic stratigraphic
section. Conservative position of event horizons are indicated with a dashed line, including for event Esupp1 unambiguously visible in the eastern fault zone only. E8 is indicated for reference, although the dashed
line corresponds to E7 event horizon (see discussion in text). Esupp2, between E8 and E9 is not indicated. Meter Marks (MM) are indicated above the trench. Dated14 C samples are indicated by star. To the west, a
few samples have been collected up to 2 m outside the gridded wall, where the layers could be traced horizontally. Samples are indicated at the corresponding depth and stratigraphic position.