Core Inventory for GFZ/GSI 1997 Lake Margin Cores (En Feshka, En Gedi, Nahal Ze 'elim, Nahal Hever)
Cores taken in 1997
Sources and Links
Migowski (2001)
En Feshka
En Gedi
Nahal Ze 'elim
Nahal Hever
Core Inventory 1997 GFZ/GSI Cores
Figure 3.1 Location of the four drilling locations along the west bank of the Dead Sea with the Core Depth (0 = Drill Core Top) and sediment extraction. Migowski (2001)
Figure 4.1 : Lithology of the composite profiles of the drilling campaign and the Ze'elim outcrop (Ken-Tor, 1998), coinciding with the upper part of the Ze'elim profile, and the core DS 7-1 SC from the north basin of the Dead Sea (Heim, 1996). Migowski (2001)