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Earthquake Catalogs

Reference (with Hotlink) Year Language Notes
Abdul-Wahed and Sbeinati 2023 Arabic with English Abstract Historical earthquake catalogue of Aleppo
Abou Karaki 1987, 1995, 2022 French and English PhD Dissertation (Synthese et carte sismotectonique des pays de la bordure Orientale de la Mediterranae: sismicite du systeme de failles du Jourdain-Mer-Morte) and subsequent publications
Agnon 2014 English Concise but thorough and well-informed introduction to the Geology from someone who has participated and guided the research from the early days. Has a catalog of prehistorical earthquakes and the larger historical earthquakes. The historical earthquakes presented are generally reliable for 31 BCE and later.
Al-Hakeem 1988 English Studying of historical earthquakes activity in Syria
Alsinawi 1988 English The historical seismicity of the Arab countries
Al-Tarazi 1992 English PhD Dissertation (Investigations and Assessment of Seismic Hazard in Jordan and Its Vicinity)
Ambraseys 1962 English Data for the investigation of the seismic sea-waves in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Ambraseys 1963 English The Seismic History of Cyprus
Ambraseys and Melville 1982 English A History of Persian Earthquakes
Ambraseys, Melville, and Adams 1994 English The seismicity of Egypt, Arabia, and the Red Sea
Ambraseys and Finkel 1995 English The Seismicity of Turkey and Adjacent Areas A Historical Review, 1500-1800
Ambraseys and Melville 2005 English A History of Persian Earthquakes
Ambraseys 2009 English Earthquakes in the Mediterranean and Middle East: a multidisciplinary study of seismicity up to 1900 - strong but not infallible scholarship on textual and archeoseismic sources, ignored a large part of the paleoseismology data, contains seismic insight, interprets the data and texts, one of the best
Amiran 1996 English location index
Amiran et al 1994 English Earthquakes in Israel and adjacent areas: macroseismic observations since 100 B.C.E. - full of references - catalog contains a number of errors
Antonopoulos 1979 English Catalogue of Tsunamis in the Eastern Mediterranean from Antiquity to Present Times.
Arvanitakis 1903 French Essai sur le climat de Jerusalem - used by Willis (1928)
As-Suyuti 15th century AD Arabic/English/French Kasff Al-Salsala Wa Wasf Al-Zalzalah - various translations exist - translation from Arabic to English by A. Sprenger in 1843 is abridged
Badawy 1999 English Historical Seismicity of Egypt
Belferman et. al. 2022 English Effect of large-scale surface water level fluctuations on earthquake recurrence interval under strike-slip faulting - contains a mini catalog with some quakes not reported in other catalogs
Ben-Menahem 1976 English Tectonics, seismicity and structure of the Afro-Eurasian junction the breaking of an incoherent plate - sloppy citing sources, contains errors, seismic interpretations are sometimes presented as coming from sources, but contains seismic insight
Ben-Menahem 1979 English Earthquake catalogue for the Middle East (92 B.C. - 1800 A.D.) - sloppy citing sources, contains errors, seismic interpretations are sometimes presented as coming from sources, but contains seismic insight
Ben-Menahem 1982 English Earthquake Risk In The Holy Land - sloppy citing sources, contains errors, seismic interpretations are sometimes presented as coming from sources, but contains seismic insight
Ben-Menahem 1991 English Four Thousand Years of Seismicity along the Dead Sea rift - sloppy citing sources, contains errors, seismic interpretations are sometimes presented as coming from sources, but contains seismic insight
Berenger 2005 French Article on Epigraphic and Numismatic Evidence for Earthquakes in the Roman Empire from the 1st century BCE until the 2nd century CE
Biblical Earthquakes English
Blankenhorn 1905 German Uber die letzten Erdbeben in Palastina und die Erforschung etwaiger kunftiger
Bonito 1691 Italian Terra tremante overo continuatione de' terremoti dalla creatione del mondo sino al tempo presente
Brax et. al. 2019 English An Earthquake Catalog for the Lebanese Region
Daeron 2005 English PhD Thesis (cinématique et comportement sismique à long terme de la faille de Yammoûneh, principale branche décrochante du coude transpressif libanais)- has a catalog for the Lebanese Restraining Bend
Degg and Doorenkamp (1989) 1989 English Earthquake Hazard Atlas, Based on R.O.A. earthquake hazard zonation scheme, 1. Israel 2. Egypt
Diener 1886 German Libanon: Grundlinien der physischen Geographie und Geologie von Mittel-syrien
Downey 1955 English Earthquakes at Constantinople and Vicinity, A.D. 342-1454
Ducellier 1980 French Les séismes dans le bassin oriental de la Méditerranée du 11e aux 13e siècles
El-Isa 1985 English Earthquake Studies of Some Archaeological Sites in Jordan
El-Isa Et Al 2014 English Historical seismicity of the Jordan Dead Sea Transform region and seismotectonic implications
Ergin Et Al 1967 English and Turkish A Catalogue of Earthquakes for Turkey and Surrounding Area (11 A.D. to 1964 A.D.)
Elnashai and El-khoury 2004 English Earthquake Hazard in Lebanon
Filippo da Secinara 1652 Italian Trattato vniuersale di tutti li terremoti occorsi, e noti nel mondo, con li casi infausti, ed'infelici pressagiti da tali terremoti. Oue si fà mentione de prencipi, e monarchi, che regnorono in quei tempi. ... Con due tauole, vna delli autori, e l'altra de' terremoti.
Galli 1906 Italian I terremoti nel Lazio
Gatier 2011 French A catalogue of earthquakes of Antiquity and the Middle Ages in Tyre
Ghawanmeh 1992 English Earthquake effects on Bilad ash-Sham settlements
Gomez et. al. 2003 English Large historical earthquakes in western Syria and Lebanon (32.5° - 35.5° N)
Grigoratos et. al. 2020 English An updated parametric catalog of historical earthquakes around the Dead Sea Transform Fault Zone
Grumel 1958 French La Chronologie - heavily cited works for Byzantine Chronology - catalogs earthquakes
Guidoboni Et Al 1994 English Catalogue of ancient earthquakes in the Mediterranean area up to the 10th century - primarily based on textual sources, strong historical scholarship, one of the best
Guidoboni and Comastri 2005 English Catalogue of Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Mediterranean Area from the 11th to the 15th Century - strong historical scholarship, one of the best
Kagan 2011 English PhD Thesis (Multi Site Quaternary Paleoseismology Along the Dead Sea Rift: Independent Recording by Lake and Cave Sediment) - contains an earthquake catalog
Kagan Et Al 2011 English Intrabasin paleoearthquake and quiescence correlation of the late Holocene Dead Sea - contains an earthquake catalog
Kallner-Amiran 1952 English A Revised Earthquake-Catalogue of Palestine
Karcz and Lom 1987 English Bibliographic reliability of catalogues of historic earthquakes in and around Israel
Kovach 1987 English Seismic Risk in Jordan USGS Report - Flawed Catalog with useful equations
Ligorio 1574 Italian Libro o Trattato di diversi terremoti, raccolti da diversi Autori per Pyrro Ligorio cittadino romano, mentre la citta di Ferrara e stata percossa et ha tremato per un simile accidente del moto della terra
Limon 2022 English PhD Thesis (High quality parametric seismic catalogues from several sources around the Dead Sea Fault Zone and in Turkey)
Mediterranean Earthquake Catalogs 1994 English list from Guidoboni et al (1994)
Mallet And Mallet 1858 English The Earthquake Catalogue of the British Association with the Discussion, Curves, and Maps Etc,
Manetti 1457 Italian De terremotu
Milne 1911 English Catalogue of destructive earthquakes
Misc English Miscellaneous earthquake reports from various sources
Perry 1848 French Memoire sur les tremblements de terre ressentis dans la peninsule Turco-Hellanique et en Syrie
Plassard And Kojoj 1981 French Sismicite du Liban
Poirier And Taher 1980a English Large historical earthquakes and seismic risk in Northwest Syria
Poirier And Taher 1980b English Historical seismicity in the near and Middle East, North Africa, and Spain from Arabic documents (VIIth-XVIIIth century)
Raphael and Agnon 2018 English Bronze and Iron Age Earthquakes in Israel and Jordan
Redwan et al 2002 English Geology, Hydrology, Seismology, and Geotechnique of Al-Jafra Site - pp.26-27 list 3 historical earthquakes
Russell 1985 English The Earthquake Chronology of Palestine and Northwest Arabia from the 2nd through the Mid-8th Century A.D. - examined source documents and archeoseismicity but overstates archeoseismic evidence
Salamon 2008,2009 English Patterns of Aftershock Sequences along the Dead Sea Transform - GSI Report and subsequent journal article
Salamon Et Al 2010 English Zones of required investigation for earthquake-related hazards in Jerusalem - contains a catalog
Salamon Et Al 2011 English Tsunami Hazard Evaluation of the Eastern Mediterranean: Historical Analysis and Selected Modeling and A critical evaluation of tsunami records reported for the Levant Coast from the second millennium BCE to the present
Sawires Et Al 2015 English An Earthquake Catalogue (2200 B.C. to 2013) for Seismotectonic and Seismic Hazard Assessment Studies in Egypt
Sbeinati Et Al 2005 English The historical earthquakes of Syria: An analysis of large and moderate earthquakes from 1365 B.C. to 1900 A.D. - Extensive and well referenced compilation from other catalogs, scientific articles, and source documents. Frequently provides local intensity estimates and maps. Great for references, source document identification and quotes, and locations. Particularly useful for Syrian Earthquakes and earthquakes documented by Arabic authors. Caution is advised however that it contains some bad A.H. entries from Willis and some bad entries from Sieberg.
Schmidt 1881 German Studien Ubber Vulkane und Erdbeben
SHARE-CET online compilation English SHARE earthquake catalogue for Central and Eastern Turkey (SHARE-CET) - excel file - parametric, not descriptive
Shalem 1949, 1956 Hebrew Earthquakes in Jerusalem, Seismic tidal waves (tsunamis) in the Eastern Mediterranean
Shebalin Et Al 1974 English
Sieberg 1932a German Erdbebengeographie - did not cite sources but contains seismic insight. Contains some of Willis' bad A.H. entries
Sieberg 1932b German Untersuchungen uber erdbeben und bruchschollenbau im ostlichen Mittelmeergebiet, ergebnisse einer erdbebenkundlichen Orientreise - did not cite sources but contains seismic insight. Contains some of Willis' bad A.H. entries
Soloview 2000 English Tsunamis in the Mediterranean Sea 2000 B.C.-2000 A.D
Soysal et al. 1981 English Historical Earthquake Catalogue of Turkey and Surrounding Area (2100 B.C. – 1900 A.D.)
Stephenson 2012 English Earthquakes and Plagues (502-748 AD)
Taher 1979 French Corpus des texts arabes relatifs aux tremblements de terre et autres catastrophes naturelles, de la conquete arabe au XII H/XVIII JC
Taher 1996 French Les grandes zones sismiques du monde musulmans a travers l'histoire
Tholazan 1858 ? French Sur les tremblements de terre qui ont eu lieu en Orient e du VII xvlle sicle
TURHEC 2021 (v.1) English Turkish Homogenized Earthquake Catalogue (TURHEC) - 1900-2018 (v.1)
Von Hoff 1841 German Chronik der Erdbeben und Vulcan Ausbruche
Willis with corrections 1928 English Earthquakes in the Holy Land - copy and paste from earlier catalogs, initially misunderstood and misdated Islamic Calendar (A.H.) dates by ~621-622 years but later issued a correction.
Zohar Et Al 2016 English PhD Thesis (Damage patterns of earthquakes in Israel and its vicinity: Evaluation according to the historical sources) and subsequent article - concise descriptions with citations - sorts quake reports by reliability - includes major south levant paleoseismology and some archeoseismicity - particularly good on Ottoman period earthquakes and documenting smaller magnitude earthquakes and swarms
Zohar 2019 English Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Seismic Activity Associated with the Dead Sea Transform (DST) during the Past 3000 Yr - update to Zohar et al. (2016)
Reference (with Hotlink) Year Language Notes