Abu'l-Fida Open this page in a new tab

Abu'l-Fida was a Syrian Prince, Historian, and Geographer who was born in Damascus in 1273 CE. He took part in military campaigns against the Crusaders at a young age (12) and was eventually made Governor of Hama in 1310 CE. He wrote poetry and books on various subjects but most of his texts have not survived. He is noted for two books which have survived - a Concise History of Humanity (Tarikh al-Mukhtasar fi Akhbar al-Bashar) and Takwin al-Bulddn a descriptive book on Geography (H.A.R. Gibb in Encyclopedia of Islam v. 1, 1991:118-119). A Concise History of Humanity is largely a compilation which covers pre-Islamic history until 1329 CE. It's earlier sections are based on Ibn al-Athir (H.A.R. Gibb in Encyclopedia of Islam v. 1, 1991:118-119).