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1903 CE Quake

29 March 1903 CE

by Jefferson Williams

Introduction & Summary

Textual Evidence

Text (with hotlink) Original Language Biographical Info Religion Date of Composition Location Composed Notes
Text (with hotlink) Original Language Biographical Info Religion Date of Composition Location Composed Notes

Archeoseismic Evidence

Tsunamogenic Evidence

Paleoseismic Evidence


Amiran et al. (1994)

1903 AD, March 29

Jerusalem: foreshock 21:00-21:30, MMS III.

Three main shocks, 23:05, direction north to south.

Mount of Olives: MMS VII.

Aftershock 03:00, MMS III.

Hebron: 22 hours, MMS IV (or VII).

Jaffa, 22:30-23:00, MMS VII, three horizontal shocks, direction north-west to south-east.

Sarona, 22:30.


Abel, F.M. : Geographic de la Palestine, I, Paris, 1931. pp. 52; 94; 96; 97; 100

Blanckenhorn, M. : Ober die letzten Erdbeben in Palastina und die Erforschung etwaiger ktinftiger, ZDPV 28 (1905), pp. 206-218.

Sieberg, A. : Untersuchungen aber Erdbeben und Bruchschollenbau im 0stlichen Mittelmeergebiet, Denkschriften der me dizinisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena 18 (1932), pp. 159-273. and map, p. 191

Turcotte, T. and E. Arieh, E. : Catalog of Earthquakes in and around Israel, Israel Electric Corporation, Haifa, 1988.

Willis, B. : Earthquakes in the Holy Land, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 18 (1928), pp. 73-103. Amendment in Science, Vol. 77, No. 1997, 7 April 1933, p. 351.


Amiran, D. H. K., Arieh, E. and Turcotte, T. (1994). "Earthquakes in Israel and adjacent areas: macroseismic observations since 100 B.C.E." Israel Exploration Journal 44: 260-305.

Belferman et al (2022)


Belferman, M., et al. (2018). "Effect of large-scale surface water level fluctuations on earthquake recurrence interval under strike-slip faulting." Tectonophysics 744: 390-402.

Paleoclimate - Droughts

