Amiran et al. (1994)
1903 AD, March 29
Jerusalem: foreshock 21:00-21:30, MMS III.
Three main shocks, 23:05, direction north to south.
Mount of Olives: MMS VII.
Aftershock 03:00, MMS III.
Hebron: 22 hours, MMS IV (or VII).
Jaffa, 22:30-23:00, MMS VII, three horizontal shocks, direction north-west to south-east.
Sarona, 22:30.
- Gaza, 22:45: three shocks within 6 seconds
- Tell Ta'anakh, 23:00: 6 seconds, MMS VI; 23:30:3-4 seconds, MMS VI
- Haifa, Mt. Carmel, 23:15: MMS V
- Damascus, Beirut, Safed: MMS VII
- Tiberias: MMS VII
- Nazareth: MMS VI—VII
- Jenin: MMS VII
- Nablus: MMS VIII
- Jerusalem: MMS V-VI
- Bethlehem: MMS VII
- Hebron: MMS IV (or VII)
- Jericho, MMS VII
- Jaffa: MMS VII
- Petah Tiqvah, Yahudiya: MMS VII
- Rishon le-Zion, Latrun: MMS VII, Gaza.
Abel, F.M. : Geographic de la Palestine, I, Paris, 1931. pp.
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dizinisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena 18 (1932), pp. 159-273. and map, p. 191
Turcotte, T. and E. Arieh, E. : Catalog of Earthquakes in and around Israel, Israel Electric Corporation, Haifa, 1988.
Willis, B. : Earthquakes in the Holy Land, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 18 (1928), pp. 73-103.
Amendment in Science, Vol. 77, No. 1997, 7 April 1933, p. 351.
Amiran, D. H. K., Arieh, E. and Turcotte, T. (1994). "Earthquakes in Israel and adjacent areas: macroseismic observations
since 100 B.C.E." Israel Exploration Journal 44: 260-305.