AD 1514 Malatya
A letter dated 10 March 1514, which reached Venice from
Cyprus, gives the information that
per terremoti esser somerso et ruinato tre terre del Soltano a li confini del Turcho,
videlicet Malathia et Terso et Adena’ (Sanuto 1879, Diario XVIII, 395).
This is repeated in a contemporary Venetian history,
the context in which the event is mentioned, namely
the march through Anatolia of Sultan Selim I during the
summer of 1514, implying that the earthquake occurred
within the first half of that year (Barbaro, vii, 1061, 1077).
A contemporary account is cited as the source of
this event, which affected ‘[la] regia d’Oriente nell’anno
1514’. There is also mention of the occurrence of many
destructive earthquakes in the area annexed by Sultan
Selim I (references in Bonito 1792 (1980, 661)).
This may be the earthquake which was felt in
Lower Egypt on Monday morning, 20 Muharrem A.H.
919 (28 March 1513). It was perceptible in Cairo, where it
lasted one minute (daraja) (Ibn Iyas, 1955, i. 279).
However, without further details this information
is insufficient to indicate the precise date and area over
which this earthquake was felt.
Ambraseys, N. (2009). Earthquakes in the Mediterranean and Middle East: a multidisciplinary study of
seismicity up to 1900. Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press.